Living the Keto-ish Lifestyle

Hey you guys! What’s going on? I’m back with another health update. So, recently I’ve been doing some research on the Keto Diet and I decided I would give it a try. Prior to the creation of this post I have been loosely following the Keto regimen for about 2-3 weeks now. I love it so far!

Since being diagnosed with several food allergies it has been very difficult to find foods that are both healthy for me and that I enjoy eating. Before I found out about the Keto Diet I felt like I was no longer eating for the enjoyment of food, I was just eating to survive. I fell into a depression over this and packed on even more weight, putting me at my heaviest of 400LBS.

It feels so strange to admit my weight out loud. I decided about a week ago, that I was no longer going to be a prisoner of my poor eating habits, among other things and take back my life. At first, when I was told about the Keto Diet I thought it was a silly fad diet. After several google searches and countless YouTube videos later, I realized that the Keto Diet was in fact, a real lifestyle change more so than just a diet.

If you aren’t familiar with the Keto Diet it dates back to the 1920’s when doctors began to use it as a means to control epileptic seizures in patients. It has become popular again in recent years for its fast weight loss results and it has been claimed to improve mood, focus, etc. Like I said, I have loosely been trying the Keto Diet but I am now ready to fully commit. Today, I took the biggest first step I’ve ever taken in regard to my health; I made a grocery list. The simplicity in this step is that never before had I EVER done this, every store trip entailed me just grabbing the cheapest, quickest food options. I have never successfully planned meals and stuck to them. The second step, I made a food menu for ONE WEEK. Easy, simple recipes that I could eat during the week. I didn’t pick anything extravagant or fancy. I wanted to keep it simple, easy, and fun.

I have already decided that payday Friday’s are my grocery store days and it is on that day that I go to the grocery and pick up everything I need for the upcoming week and make my weekly menu. I sat down this morning and I made both my menu and my grocery list and I cannot wait to go to the store!

I have attached a copy of both my grocery list and my week one menu. Each week or so, I’ll try to post an updated list or a menu along with progress pictures (maybe). Part of this process for me is to take small steps. My first step, on the journey, is to become comfortable with these new eating habits.

Week One Menu:

Week One Grocery List:

My second step, is to begin to incorporate some kind of workout regimen or physical activity period. Like I said, the Keto Diet is more of a lifestyle change rather than a diet. I got a membership at a local gym in my town and I have purchased some workout videos so I have something to do at home and maintain being active.

Tomorrow is the FIRST of many (hopefully) grocery days and I’m so excited and can’t wait to show you guys what I got! So stay tuned!

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